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Изменения в upnp клиенте для MediaMonkey


  1. Иконки в соответствии с названиями веток и классов веток
  2. Открытие ветки при одинарном нажатии на заголовок ветки
  3. Локализация заголовков веток
  4. Обложки альбомов (при условии, что соответствующие альбомы есть в библиотеке)


'Change function 'upnp_FillNode' in version 0.5

'ReDefine BrowseIn(5) FOR Sort
BrowseIn(5) = "+dc:date,+upnp:artist,+upnp:album,+upnp:originalTrackNumber"

'Define AFTER 'Dim NewSong'
Dim NodeAllow	'Node Present (Video, for example, not visible)
Dim NodeIcon	'Icon for Node
Dim NodeClass	'NodeClass for Icon

'Null NodeClass AFTER 'title = ""'
NodeClass = ""

'Define NodeClass AFTER 'title = y.childNodes(0).NodeValue'
case "upnp:class"
	NodeClass = y.childNodes(0).NodeValue

'Define NodeAllow and NodeClass AFTER 'next'
NodeAllow = true		'Default is present
NodeIcon = Node.IconIndex 	'Default icon of parent node
select case title		'Select Icon for title
	case "Browse Folders": NodeAllow = false
	case "Pictures": NodeAllow = false
	case "Video": NodeAllow = false
	case "Music": NodeIcon = 40
	case "Album": NodeIcon = 16
	case "All Music": NodeIcon = 48
	case "Artist": NodeIcon = 0
	case "Folders": NodeIcon = 20
	case "Genre": NodeIcon = 7
	case "Playlists": NodeAllow = false
End select
select case NodeClass	'Select Icon for Class
	case "object.container.person.musicArtist": NodeIcon = 0
	case "object.container.album.musicAlbum": NodeIcon = 16
End select

'Localize HERE
'Apply NodeAllow HERE
If NodeAllow Then

'Apply NodeIcon AFTER 'NewNode.Caption = title'
NewNode.IconIndex = NodeIcon

'BEFORE 'case "item":'
End If

'Make 'Artist of Album' AFTER 'case "dc:creator"'
if .AlbumArtistName=Empty Then .AlbumArtistName=y.childNodes(0).NodeValue

'Show Art Album if Album is present 
'in library AFTER 'Trcks.AddTrack NewSong'

'Show Tree by once press and 
'Show Covers of Albums (if don't work Sorting)
'AFTER 'Trcks.FinishAdding'
Node.Expanded = True
Trcks.ViewMode = 2