FTP Download for MediaMonkey
Page on MediaMonkey
The script is to copy the songs in the library via FTP. A special button adds on the control panel.
This script is designed for those who collect a database from your server, but there is not possible to connect to it, except via FTP. With this script, you can choose a song from the library and copy them to drive with one click.
All the songs are placed in folders Album Artist\Album.
In the settings, except for FTP connections, to be configured:
Library path and FTP path - the root directory of the songs in the library and FTP, so that if in any copied songs in the library to replace the first to the second, it will be the full path to the song on the FTP.
Local path - the root path to the songs on your local drive.
The script works through the console Windows FTP client.
Unfortunately, it only works in active mode.
When you can not use active mode, the
you must use a third-party FTP client, for example,
NcFTP Client.
This involves installing
NcFTP Client and a little
reworked script.
From version union scripts.
For download via NcFTP need set this in configuration.
In the settings added flag Refresh Disk after Download,
in which disconnect and connect disk if it
was connected via subst and update its content.
From version 1.2: It's removed operations with Subst drive. Instead of this
Added branch "Local Music"
In this branch you can transfer music to download - Drag&Drop
New songs appear in the branch "Recently Downloaded" and "Current Playlist"